Little Rose Planet
2013 the beginning of the production works for lolitas
Future repair trip filled with gratitude magic to share with you
Little Rose Planet|リトルローズプラネット
Lolita fashion brand from Taiwan
Little Rose Planet
About Us
Little Rose Planet
Lolita fashion brand from Taiwan
2013 the beginning of the production works for lolitas
Future repair trip filled with gratitude magic to share with you"We sincerely hope that our dress is a dress that worth cherishing!!
We deeply care about the mother earth, our brand goal is keep to a small amount of manufacturing and source/print our materials locally as much as possible.
The fashion industry has been ranked second highest in the world as a source of pollution. We do not want to become a mass-produced fast fashion or use cheap manufacturing products to cause more the burden on the planet or squeeze the craftsman’s labor cost to lower the price!
Future repair trip filled with gratitude magic to share with you
We try to source everything at a reasonable cost so we don’t cheap out on the manufacture that prints fabric, as well as, the craftsman that makes each of our pieces by hand. So that may be why our product prices a bit higher than others, we sincerely hope that you understand and appreciate the effort as we do with the craftsmanship.
We believe that beautiful illustration and our insistence on each dress would make it a work of art worthy to be part of your collection.
什麼使你變得獨特?是你用心專注在喜愛自己上面的時間使你顯得獨特。 我知道當我開始喜愛自己,相信自己賦與自身美好的信念而造就出的自我就是那朵最獨特的玫瑰。 在小玫瑰星球上 把美好的想像力 創造力 化成你身上的魔法配件與服裝 讓穿著充滿魔法童話美好你的生活 ___Little Rose Planet Since 2013
同時也希望大家理解我們對於地球的關懷與用心,少量製造與對於在地材料的堅持,時尚產業已蔚為全期汙染源排行第二, 我們不希望成為大量生產快時尚或是使用不良製造品造成地球負擔亦或是壓榨職人們來壓低售價!
我們盡可能地選用台灣優良製造商減低對環境的汙染與不壓榨繪師與製作職人的狀況之下堅持製作商品相對的我們的商品在成本與售價上較高, 也許這一年僅製作一到二系列服裝的我們也許在售價上始終是無法勝過快時尚的漂亮售價數字
謝謝您的支持 我們盡份微小力量 期望能凝聚成改變世界的大川!
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